
Krypto Origins
5 min readMar 17, 2021

Krypto Origins is an RPG themed crypto inspired NFT collection series. As a collector, watch your Krypto Origins collection grow by completing quests, staying active in the community and by just simply holding our collection for a certain period of time.

Our aim is to build a lasting and rewardable NFT collection where collectors feel appreciated and watch their collection grows in value. Building Krypto Origins community will be one of our highest priority, as we strongly believe that a vibrant and engaging community is key to where our bigger vision lies. We want collecting Krypto Origins NFTs to be fun, engaging and rewarding.

We’re currently a team of 2, with background in tech, art, design and entrepreneurship. One of us is a tech, gaming and crypto enthusiast, and another is an artist who has worked with numerous Japanese companies on AAA game titles.

Genesis edition Krypto Origins character


  1. Krypto Origins NFTs can be obtainable via There are other ways of obtaining our NFTs too, such as by getting them from airdrops or completing quests.
  2. We want to make sure that every card has underlying value, even if it’s not required in any of the current missions. Future quests might still require older generation cards.
  3. Some of the rarest cards in Krypto Origins collection can only be obtained by completing quests. They will not be for sale!
  4. Quests rewards will be have redemption limit. Once the redemption limit has been met, rewards will no longer be claimable. Do not worry though, we will continue publishing quests to keep collectors engaged and entertained!


  1. All quests have a redemption limit, according to the difficulty and reward’s rarity. There will be 5 types of quest rewards at launch — Mission, milestone, bounties, lottery airdrop and achievements.
  2. Mission quests can be completed by having certain cards in a collection, and the reward will be a brand new NFT. For more details on the reward, please follow our twitter or our website.
  3. Milestone quests can be completed by holding certain cards for a period of time. By holding certain card and bonding for prolonged period of time, you will be rewarded with a new NFT! Remember to set a reminder to claim your reward from us though!
  4. We will be holding lottery style airdrop once a month. (Frequency will increase as our collector base grows). If you own Krypto Origins NFTs, you will automatically be registered for the airdrop.
  5. Bounty quests will be time limited. It could be for hours, days or weeks, depending on the difficulty of the quests.
  6. Krypto Origins collection can also be obtained by completing achievements. Title will be rewarded to significant contributors, such as community contribution, ideas generation, marketing etc. More details to be confirmed soon!
  7. To claim reward, join our discord channel and inform us in #rewardclaim section.
  8. Reward redemption will be first come first serve, based on the timestamp of your message. We understand that such redemption method might not be the most efficient, but we strive to improve as we grow by gathering input and suggestions from the community.

Card Tier

Here’s the initial breakdown of genesis series card tier. Artwork and animation of higher tier card will have higher complexity and more depth.

1. Common — limited to 40 pcs

2. Uncommon — limited to 20 pcs

3. Rare — limited to 10 pcs

4. Epic — limited to 5 pcs

5. Legendary — limited to 3 pcs

Card Type

There will be quests which will be card type dependent. Certain quests will require you having 3 types of character cards, or perhaps 2 reward card or so. New card type might be added as Krypto Origin grows. Here’s the break down of Krypto Origins card type:

1. Character

2. Equipment / Skin

3. Others

4. Reward

Road Map

Phase 1 — We will release the entire genesis series collection gradually and focus on building our community. We will be reinvesting majority of our profit into growing Krypto Origins. We will be generous in terms of rewards and airdrop, so that more people will have a chance to join. However, we will secure the value of your collection by making sure that higher tier cards will have much better quality and details, and will always remain scarce.

We are aware that high Ethereum gas fees might hinder progress, as it will translate to higher costs in batch rewarding collectors, or it might deter smaller holders from joining in. We are always keeping an eye on viable L2 solutions, such as Immutable X. We will adopt as soon as better options becomes available.

Genesis series will be our pre-seed fund to help us achieve what we hope to accomplish in future phases.

Phase 2 — We will explore utility and scaling options, such as NFT staking / tokenization, to boost utility and value of Krypto Origins. We want to give back to the community in a transparent way by incorporating smart contracts. We want majority of the sales proceed to go back to collectors, where we will be able to grow together as one community. We assure you that early collectors will be greatly rewarded when it comes to this phase.

Phase 3 and beyond This is our end goal, this is our dream. We want to eventually develop a blockchain game based on Krypto Origins, with fair tokenomics, player centric and largely play to earn. We’ll be taking inspiration from a hugely successful game, where players can easily socialize, trade, clear quests, hunt rare items and bosses with their friends. Like our core principal, we want a system where our supporters and community reap the most benefit.

Our Pledge

  1. We will always be transparent and truthful. We understand our limitation, hence community contribution and suggestion is extremely important to us.
  2. We want to ensure fair distribution and maximum rewards to our holders, we believe there are better ways to do it via smart contract and good tokenomics, but this is currently beyond our technical expertise. We will launch a fair distribution and reward mechanism as soon as we have the resources to do so.
  3. We will always be genuine and sincere. We want Krypto Origins to grow together with the community. It’s okay to be skeptical. All we’re asking is that you follow us, and let us prove our worth via our actions.
  4. Let us as one community set a standard, build a legacy, where Krypto Origins will be discussed for years to come. You, as an early collector will be the pillar of Krypto Origin’s universe. Majority of our future decisions and directions will be made based on community consensus. If you like our artwork, and believe in a community driven NFT project, please follow our twitter and join our discord channel.



Krypto Origins

Krypto Origins is an RPG themed, crypto inspired NFT card collection series. Collect Krypto Origins NFTs, complete missions and watch your collection grow!